Lecture 05A
Sequence alignment
Date: Feb 4, 2024
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In this lecture, we will explore sequence alignment, a fundamental technique in computational biology. We will cover the basics of alignment scoring, key algorithms for both pairwise and multiple sequence alignments, and learn how to interpret alignment results.
Learning objectives¶
What you should be able to do after today's lecture:
- Define sequence alignment and explain its importance in bioinformatics.
- Describe the basic principles of scoring systems in sequence alignment.
- Explain the principles and steps of global alignment using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.
- Describe the concept and procedure of local alignment using the Smith-Waterman algorithm.
- Introduce the concept of multiple sequence alignment, including its importance and challenges.
Supplementary material¶
Relevant content for today's lecture.
- Global alignment
- Local alignment
- Online tools for Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman.