Lecture 03B
Genome assembly
Date: Jan 23, 2024
This lecture delves into the computational algorithms used in genome assembly. It starts with the greedy algorithm as a foundation before introducing De Bruijn graphs as a modern approach. Students will explore how graph traversal techniques are used to extract contigs from assembly graphs. The session also covers SPAdes' methodology, emphasizing multi-sized graphs and paired-end reads.
Learning objectives¶
After today, you should have a better understanding of:
- Problem formulation of genome assembly.
- The greedy algorithm for genome assembly.
- De Bruijn graphs and their role in assembly.
- Graph traversal methods for extracting contigs.
Supplementary material¶
Relevant content for today's lecture.
- Greedy algorithm
- de Bruijn
- View: slides.com/aalexmmaldonado/biosc1540-l03b
- Live link: slides.com/d/SkvYQ7w/live
- Download: biosc1540-l03b.pdf