Lecture 03A
Genome assembly
Date: Jan 21, 2024
This lecture introduces genome assembly as a critical step in the genomics pipeline, transitioning from raw sequencing reads to assembled DNA sequences. Students will explore the differences between reference-based and de novo assembly and understand the challenges posed by repeats, sequencing errors, and low coverage. The session concludes with an overview of the outputs generated by assembly tools like SPAdes and a discussion of quality assessment methods using tools such as QUAST and Bandage.
Learning objectives¶
After today, you should have a better understanding of:
- Where genome assembly fits in the genomics pipeline.
- Reference-based and de novo genome assembly.
- Challenges like repeats and sequencing errors.
- Outputs of genome assembly tools.
- Tools for assessing assembly quality.
Supplementary material¶
Relevant content for today's lecture.
- Genome assembly
- Assembly concepts and nested content
- View: slides.com/aalexmmaldonado/biosc1540-l03a
- Live link: slides.com/d/KOit8yE/live
- Download: biosc1540-l03a.pdf